miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Dancehall Festival !

Hey everybody! I’m gonna tell you about my first great music experience, it was the Dancehall Festival.
There’re a lot of reasons to say that event was really cool. The first one was that there were many singers who I liked at that moment, like Morodo and Hy-Mani Marley. Also I was 14 and I had to travel to Santiago just with a couple of friends, so it was kind of exciting too. When we arrived to Arena Santiago we realized that there were a lot of different styles around us, like so many different people wearing rare clothes and hairy cuts. There’re a lot of people who try to imitate their favorite singers…We got inside and it was so dark, so I couldn’t see anybody. However I could smell something rare in the air, so I suddenly remembered my father saying: “Be careful at that place, cos there’re a lot of people who are very high and things like that”. Hahaha it was really funny to remember.
The rest of the show was pretty awesome. We tried to sing and enjoy the mayor part of the show, except when the big plastic ball, wich was jumping and flying everywhere, hit your head.
That was my first great music experience, and hope you’ve enjoyed it!

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Government Website...

This website was created by Government of Chile and it gives some healthy tips wich can be followed by people. On it, you can find nutritional information like calories and proteins of water, milk, candies, vegetal meat and others. In this way, I  think that this kind of programs show that, the Chilean State is taking care about what kind of food are Chilean people eating and how important is make some public policies about it, because our quality of life is getting worst every day. Use internet helps to representative people to teach us what kind of food we have to eat, and what kind of activities had been created by Chilean Government to increase loving sport. However, President and Staff have to know that some people doesn`t have internet access, wich is a very important point, and, that we are not just fat numbers to show for the president speech, so they should solve this social issue in an integrated way.
This is the first time a visit this website, but I was really interested to do it, cos I wanted to know how much better it was in comparison with other private links. In my opinion, it`s nice, but I was hopping more expectatives because it was shown a million times on tv.      

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

First Grade Party

Hey everybody, i'm gonna talk about the first grade party

Firstable, we went to Alfonso's apartment cos he were celebrating his b-day. It was really cool cos it was like the pre-party, where everybody got drunk to arrive on fire to hte party
Then, we arrived to Antonia Lopez de Bello, the place of the main party. There were a lot of people of our university having a good time. I got a good time too, being on the bar and sharing some shots with my classmates.

I remember being on the second floor screaming to people shut up to get start the First grade Queen Election, it was really difficult, but finally we did it. Then, the girls who were waiting for the Queen Tittle, started to dance and make us the show which will be the one to decide for the winner. In despite of the shoe, some girls decided for the one and the shoe didn't matter. Anyway, it was a cool moment.
 The only 2 "black points" were the air conditioning, basically, cos there wasn't and that the party finished so quicly, like at 2.30 am.

Anyway, I really had a short good time, and hope you'd too guys
Regards !

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

          Hey everybody, I invite you to visit JP’s Corner and know more about me.
My name is Jethro Polgatiz and I’m 19. In this moment I’m living in Santiago bacause I have to study the whole week at University. I am from Rancagua, by the way. Also I study Public Administration at University of Chile. So, in this way, i think that we have a lot of things to talk about.
          See you at JP’s Corner